Smart Grid Australia (SGA) will hold its Strategic Energy Summit on Wed 25 March 2015 at the Mantra on Russell Hotel in Melbourne.
SGA says: “Having a unique membership base with representation across the whole value chain [we believe] that together we have, and can implement, positive solutions to move the debate forward and seeks to develop a clear and concise statement of opportunities, roadblocks and suggested policy next steps to help unlock synergies across the value chain to progress, improve momentum and accelerate the industry towards a sensible and equitable new era where customers are central to the debate and are provided accurate information, choice and insight to the costs, trends, and timing of new technologies and appropriate economics of the next evolution towards a distributed – yet connected energy future.”
SGA intends to have five roundtables each with a key leader and a rotating group of around 10-15 industry participants including regulators, policy makers and key decision makers.
It says: “This format will allow for lively debate and provide direct feedback to leaders from participants across the whole value chain.”
SGA will provide a facilitator at each round table discussion to capture the essence, key actions and recommendations and the event will conclude with a panel session to consolidate the list of suggestions and actions to prepare follow up engagements across the market.
Details here.