The Internet Society (ISOC) has produced a useful study: The Internet of Things: An Overview, designed to “help the Internet Society community navigate the dialogue surrounding IoT in light of the competing predictions about its promises and perils.”
ISOC says it cares about IoT because it represents a growing aspect of how people and institutions are likely to interact with and incorporate the Internet and network connectivity into their personal, social and economic lives.
“Solutions to maximising the benefits of IoT while minimising the risks will not be found by engaging in a polarised debate that pits the promises of IoT against its possible perils,” ISOC says. “Rather, it will take informed engagement, dialogue and collaboration across a range of stakeholders to plot the most effective ways forward.”
The 80 page document examines IoT from the perspectives of: IoT definitions; enabling technologies; connectivity models; its transformational potential. It has two main sections:
- -what is the Internet of Things, covering origins, drivers and applications, definitions and IoT communications models;
- -what issues are raised by IoT, covering security issues, privacy considerations, interoperability and standards, legal, regulatory, and rights and emerging economy and development issues.