The ACMA has detailed its current and planned IoT research initiatives to look at the impact of IoT on media and communications, and determine what regulatory responses might be needed.
These could fall into four areas within the ACMA’s regulatory remit: network infrastructure; spectrum management; equipment standards; consumer safeguards.
The ACMA has set out its views in an occasional paper: Internet of Things in media and communications. It examines the key components of IoT, consumer and industry applications, market and usage trends, key challenges and the implications for the regulatory environment.
And it identifies activities planned or underway to support the development and deployment of IoT in Australia and highlights potential areas for action over the medium- to long-term.
Research plans
The ACMA says it will undertake research exploring the intersection of its regulatory remit with IoT to inform its regulatory approach to IoT and build engagement with industry and government on the effectiveness of the current regulatory framework.
Other initiatives listed are that the ACMA will:
- – continue to monitor standards developments through international fora;
- – review regulatory settings to ensure Australia’s IoT environment is adequately supported;
- – monitor developments and work with stakeholders, including industry, consumer groups, regulators and equipment vendors.