TinyML (machine learning) enables the performance of data analytics on low-powered hardware with low processing power and small memory size. ABI Research says it could revolutionise IoT. ABI Research says a growing number of devices are being developed to support AI at the network edge, but are underpowered for such a task, and TinyML could […]
Gartner tips surveillance cameras to be top 5G IoT application, but not for long
Gartner is tipping outdoor surveillance cameras to account for the bulk of IoT endpoints connected over 5G in 2020, but longer term says the automotive industry represents the biggest 5G IoT opportunity. It is urging communications providers to skill up and invest to capitalise on this market. Gartner is tipping the 5G IoT endpoint installed […]
IDC tips 25 percent more smart home devices in one year
IDC has issued its latest Worldwide Quarterly Smart Home Device Tracker, tipping a 23.5 increase in the number of smart home devices shipped in 2019, from 2018, and a five-year compound annual growth rate of 14.4 percent, which would take 2023 shipments to 1.4 million devices. IDC’s senior research analyst for consumer IoT, Adam Wright, […]
Gartner updates IoT endpoint forecasts
For the first time since 2017 Gartner has updated its forecasts for the number of IoT devices in use in enterprises and the automotive industry (including connected cars) to 5.81 billion in total by the end of 2020, and issued some market-specific forecasts out to 2028. The latest forecast also leverages Gartner’s November 2016 acquisition of […]
IDC estimates IoT data at 80 zettabytes by 2025
IDC has issued a new forecast for IoT saying it estimates there will be 41.6b IoT devices connected to the Internet by 2025 generating 79.4 zettabytes (1021 bytes) of data — the bulk of it from video surveillance applications — representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28.7 percent from 2018. IDC says industrial […]
LPWAN tipped to top cellular for IoT until 2024
ABI Research says LoRaWAN and Sigfox will hold the leading share of LPWAN networks connections until at least 2024, but by 2026 cellular technologies NB-IoT and LTE-M will account for 60 percent of its estimate of 3.6 billion LPWAN network connections. However, ABI Research expect LoRa and Sigfox to account for over 80 percent of […]
Beware of ‘Shadow IoT’!
Australian market research firm Telsyte says it has identified a rise in shadow IoT among Australian businesses: experimental IoT projects initiated by individuals or business units without authorisation from IT or other appropriate authority. Telsyte estimates one in four companies have IoT capable devices without a formal strategy around them, and says 81 percent of […]
Australian IoT market assessed
US based TechSci Research has published an assessment of the Australian IoT market, broken down by platform, component, application and competition and with an assessment of the outlook and opportunities to 2024. TechSci Research says the Australian IoT market was worth $7.9b in 2018 and it projects the market to grow at a CAGR of […]
Forrester forecasts the end of IoT
IoT is dead! Long live IoT! That seems to be the message from Forrester Research in its predictions for 2019. It claims the umbrella term IoT is past it use-by date and will be supplanted by a series of terms for specific implementations of technology that today are branded IoT. “Internet of things has […]
Global supply chain revenues to be boosted by IIoT
Global mobile satellite communications provider Inmarsat has released a study IIoT on Land and at Sea that, it says, suggests organisations across the global supply chain, expect industrial IoT to increase their annual revenues by 10 percent within five years. “There will be significantly increased automation and operational efficiency through the use of real time data and […]