As with any new concept the reality and importance of the Internet of Things tends to be obscured by hyperbole, but according to Accenture Australia’s strategy lead, David Mann, its impact on business and industry will be greater than that of the Internet. The big question is: how rapidly this will occur. “The Internet of […]
Why I started this web site
I’ve started this web site in the belief that the Internet of Things will be big, very big and that there needs to be an independent, Australian, focal point for information and discussion on developments in IoT centred on the implications for Australia. My aim is that this site will fulfil that role. Right now […]
The future of consumer IoT adoption
Acquity Group, a digital agency that is now part of Accenture Interactive, surveyed more than 2,000 US. Consumers on their behavior and preferences when it comes to the Internet of Things and expected adoption of connected technology. Based on the data, this white paper The Internet of Things: The Future of Consumer Adoption “provides an in-depth look […]