Last November the ACMA released an issues paper on IoT seeking industry feedback. It received almost none. In contrast, a US Government call for input on IoT has received more than 130 responses. The ACMA released its issues paper in November 2015. It identified “areas for attention that are likely to be important in facilitating […]
ACMA proposes changes to WiFi bands regulation to better support IoT
The ACMA has proposed changes to the rules governing the use of WiFi bands that it says will make it easier for organisations to use spectrum for IoT applications. The proposed changes are set out in proposed variations to the Radiocommunications (Low Interference Potential Devices) Class Licence 2015 (LIPD class licence, details of which are set […]
ACMA sets out its IoT position
The Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA) has made its first public position statement on IoT, setting out what it sees a being the priorities for regulatory attention to facilitate IoT developments in the near, medium and longer term. The analysis, set out in an issues paper The Internet of Things and the ACMA’s areas […]
Comms Alliance IoT think tank says Australia needs IoT focus
The Communications Alliance IoT think tank has released a report into IoT in Australia, saying that a lack of industry and government focus risks denying Australia the opportunity for IoT competitive advantage and global market leadership that could be worth up to $116 billion to the Australian economy by 2025. Comms Alliance launched the think […]
Sensus & BAI bring FlexNet smart metering network to Australia
US based Sensus — which has developed a proprietary long-range radio technology for smart metering — has partnered with BAI (formerly Broadcast Australia) to provide smart metering services to Australian utilities. BAI operates an Australia-wide network of radio towers (many of them supporting Australia’s mobile radio networks) that would be used to locate the base […]