Happy New Year! And welcome back! While January 1st is just the previous day in time plus one, a lot of folk use this time to reflect on the past year and plan for the year forward. It’s one of the few times we allow ourselves the luxury of thinking beyond the next month, or […]
A momentous year for smart cities
2017 has been a momentous year in the smart cities and communities movement. This is especially true in several Asia-Pacific countries – notably Australia, Singapore, China and Korea. Newcastle, in NSW Australia, has made huge progress with its award of a Smart Cities & Suburbs Grant to advance the city’s public transportation system and digital […]
The experts agree: China’s M2M market set for explosive growth
The GSMA and EY (Ernst & Young) have both released reports into the Chinese M2M market predicting enormous growth, fuelled by very active Government support. The GSMA report, Mobile Operators and Digital Transformation, produced in conjunction with The China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), said the market would reach one billion connections by […]
How the Government is making China an IoT leader
The GSMA has just issued a report detailing how the Government is making China an IoT leader and with GSMA CTO, Alex Sinclair saying: “It’s been the government’s focused strategy, emphasis on common specifications and cross-sector collaboration that has allowed the Internet of Things to scale, delivering positive benefits to businesses and consumer alike.” The […]
IDC puts APeJ IoT market at $US583b by 2020
IDC is forecasting the number of things connected to the Internet in Asia Pacific excluding Japan will increase from 3.1 billion to 8.6 billion by 2020 and that the value of the market will increase from $US250 billion to $US583 billion. However it has not indicated exactly which components of this market of ‘things’ are […]