Sydney-based data analytics provider Sirca, Bosch, Cisco, Rozetta Technology, Curtin University and the University of Tasmania have teamed up to create the Knowledge Economy Institute (KEi) to help business, government and researchers solve complex problems, increase competitiveness and create jobs. The founding chairperson of the KEi is Chris Vein, the former CIO of the World […]
How Cisco aims to profit from IoT/IoE
Cisco has been pushing the concept of the Internet of Everything for some time. It is investing millions of dollars into IoE Innovation Centres around the world, most recently in Australia, but how does it plan to profit from IoE, other than from selling the networking gear needed to connect billions of devices? Cisco ANZ […]
From the Big Bang to big IoE
There may seem little connection between the Internet of Things/Everything and the search for answers on the origins of the Universe, so this begs the question: Why has Cisco chosen a team at Curtin University that is looking for such answers as one of its partner in the soon-to-established Cisco Internet of Everything innovation Centre? […]
Cisco to open $15m Internet of Everything Centre in Australia
Cisco has announced plans to open an Internet of Everything (IoE) Innovation centre in Australia. It will be Cisco’s eighth around the world, and will, says Cisco “serve as a hub for open innovation …. And accelerate innovation and the adoption of IoE in Australia.” Cisco distinguishes Io T from the Internet of Things by […]
Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the worldwide leader in IT that helps companies seize the opportunities of tomorrow by proving that amazing things can happen when you connect the previously unconnected. Cisco is committed to the Internet of Everything in which people, processes, things and data will be connected by the network and by so doing, […]
Cisco elevates Adelaide to ‘Lighthouse City’ Status
Cisco has declared Adelaide to be the first smart and connected ‘Lighthouse City’ in Australia. Announcing the move, the State Government said: “Lighthouse City status is a boon for the State that will allow access to Cisco’s huge global network, and see us primed to benefit from the economic and social transformation set to occur as […]
Cisco expands industrial IoT product set
Cisco has unveiled a number of new products, the Cisco Industrial Operations Kit and the Cisco Industrial Ethernet 4000 (IE 4000) Series Switches that it says will “expand industrial use cases for the Internet of Things (IoT) [buy giving] customers new networking options to support the growth of IoT applications and unlock the business value […]
Cisco warns on security implications of IoT
Cisco has released its 2015 Internet Security report saying it “provides guidelines on how to apply structure and rules to protect privacy of IoT-generated data being handled globally, and a new look at how network access control has evolved to securely provide network access to IoT devices.” In a blog post, Tony Shakib, Cisco vice […]