Australian IoT platforms scored two of the 12 ACOMM awards handed out at Communications Alliance’s annual dinner, and Sigfox network operator Thinxtra won the ‘Best Marketing Initiative’ award. LoRaWAN network operator National Narrowband Network Company (NNNCo) was a joint winner of the ‘Innovation SME’ award for its IoT platform (the other winner was Coevolve for […]
Comms Alliance seeks feedback on draft IoT security guideline
Communications Alliance has released a for-comment draft of an IoT security guideline, developed by the security working group of IoT Alliance Australia (IoTAA). The move marks the start of a formal consultation process flagged in February when the guideline first appeared. IoTAA and Communications Alliance released the document in February with Communications Alliance CEO, John […]
IoT Alliance Australia issues IoT security guideline
The IoT Alliance Australia and Communications Alliance have launched an IoT Security Guideline saying security and privacy need to be at the forefront of thinking and technological development to minimise the risks associated with the connected, big data use of IoT. Communications Alliance CEO, John Stanton, said a public consultation process would be set in […]
IoT Alliance Australia now complete: board members named
Almost a year since it was initiated and four months since it was formally brought into being the IoT Alliance Australia is now complete with the announcement of its board. IoTAA was incorporated as a not-for-profit entity in July 2016. It emerged from the Communications Alliance IoT Think Tank, established in 2015. IoTAA is hosted […]
IoT Alliance Australia makes formal debut
The IoT Alliance Australia (IoTAA), an organisation that had its origins in the Communications Alliance IoT Think Tank, has been formally launched by shadow communications minister Jason Clare, after being in gestation since late 2015, The alliance will initially be hosted and supported administratively by the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) on its Broadway Campus in […]
IoT Alliance Australia ready to launch
IoT Alliance Australia – the industry body formed last year within Communications Alliance – is expected to emerge as an independent entity in June. Frank Zeichner from consultancy CreatorTech, one of the original members of the think tank, co-author of the report and now a member of the executive committee, told IoTAustralia that the organisation […]
Comms Alliance IoT Think Tank morphing into stand alone IoT Alliance
The IoT Think Tank launched by Australia’s Communications Alliance in March 2015 to examine issues thrown up by the rapid emergence of IoT has become the IoT Alliance (Australia) and is transitioning into a stand-alone entity separate from Communications Alliance. The move follows publication of the think tank’s report on IoT in Australia, on […]
Asian Open Data Alliance could boost IoT
Japan, South Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia and Taiwan are to form an “Asian Open Data Alliance” to increase government transparency and public participation, serve as the foundation for innovative services and create economic value. Open data initiatives are seen as critical to the success of IoT and an open data project for Australia was […]
Comms Alliance IoT think tank says Australia needs IoT focus
The Communications Alliance IoT think tank has released a report into IoT in Australia, saying that a lack of industry and government focus risks denying Australia the opportunity for IoT competitive advantage and global market leadership that could be worth up to $116 billion to the Australian economy by 2025. Comms Alliance launched the think […]
Comms Alliance calls for national Australian IoT strategy
The think tank was formed in May with the aim of helping to remove barriers to IoT and enable Australia to realise the full potential of IoT. Details of the draft report were presented to a Comms Alliance industry and stakeholder workshop in Sydney, which heard that the government could be receptive to an industry-led […]