ASX listed investment house, Washington H Soul Pattinson, has invested $20m in Leading Edge Data Centres to fund a network of regional edge computing data centres around Australia. Leading Edge says it will build a network of 20 world-class tier three data centres across regional Australia to provide faster internet speeds and direct cloud connectivity […]
Australian IoT company Xped now ASX listed
Australian IoT startup Xped has become an ASX listed company following the completion of a backdoor listing via former geothermal exploration company Raya Group (ASX: RYG). Raya announced completion of its acquisition of Xped on 24 March and said it had received ASX approval to change its name to Xped. John Schultz and Christopher Wood […]
IoT set to drive data centre demand to new heights
IDC is forecasting that service provider data centre capacity consumed by IoT workloads will increase nearly 750 percent between 2014 and 2019. Also, IDC says, the growing importance of analytics in IoT services will mean that ‘hyper scale’ data centres capture most of this IoT driven workload. IDC also says that IoT will emerge as […]