Gartner has supply chains disillusioned with IoT, placing IoT in its “‘trough of disillusionment” for supply chain technologies, even though it is widely deployed. The ranking can be found in Gartner’s 2020 Hype Cycle for Supply Chain Strategy. Mike Burkett, a vice president distinguished analyst with the Gartner Supply Chain Practice, said many companies were […]
Do CIOs care about IoT?
IDC has just released its 2020 State of the CIO Research. Somewhat surprisingly, given the numerous recent bullish forecasts about the uptake and importance of IoT, it doesn’t make much of a showing in the responses of the 679 heads of IT IDC canvassed. IDC says the research “helps define the CIO agenda for the […]
Gartner updates IoT endpoint forecasts
For the first time since 2017 Gartner has updated its forecasts for the number of IoT devices in use in enterprises and the automotive industry (including connected cars) to 5.81 billion in total by the end of 2020, and issued some market-specific forecasts out to 2028. The latest forecast also leverages Gartner’s November 2016 acquisition of […]
5G hype compounding IoT hype
It seems like the hype and misconceptions surrounding 5G and the hype and misconceptions around IoT have compounded to create misconceptions of mammoth proportions. Gartner has reported the results of a survey of 200 IT and business leader members of the Gartner Research Circle in which they identify IoT as the main application for 5G. […]
Gartner gobbles up IoT specialist Machina Research
Gartner has acquired UK based Machina Research, a specialist in IoT and M2M market research and analysis. Announcing the move on its web site Machina Research said: “Gartner has recognised the magnificent efforts that Machina Research has made to set the agenda in IoT market analysis [and] has acquired Machina Research as part of its […]
Software licensing offers new revenue stream for manufacturers
Most of the ‘things’ in IoT will be heavily reliant on software – both embedded and external – and by adopting the right software licensing regimes, ‘thing’ manufacturers can generate significant new revenue streams, says Gartner. In a report Market Trends: Move Beyond Homegrown Licensing and Entitlement as the IoT Creates New Revenue for Software […]
The chief IoT officer is coming, eventually
Back in February I posted a short item on this site Here comes the Chief IoT Officer telling how an article on the VentureBeat web site argued that companies need a senior-level champion to help accelerate the adoption of “game-changing” IoT technologies. The VentureBeat article was in fact a blog post from Syed Hoda, CMO […]
Is IoT heading for a fall?
The results of a recent survey suggest that enterprises are eagerly embracing IoT, strategically and that implementations are proceeding apace. However, as I reported recently, Gartner has IoT at the peak of inflated expectations and is warning that early users are “encountering issues related to immature technologies, ecosystems and standards.” After the peak comes the […]
What a difference a year makes: Gartner IoT hype cycle one year on
When Gartner published its 2014 Gartner IoT Hype Cycle, it precipitated a headline in the Guardian: ‘Internet of things’ is the most over-hyped technology, say analysts. The article justified the headline by saying: “Gartner highlights a lack of standardisation in the area, as well as the changing nature of the technology itself, as part of […]
Gartner tips threefold increase in smart home devices in three years
Gartner estimates the number of connected devices in homes around the world will grow from less than 300 million in 2015 to over one billion by 2017. “Connected things include smart LED lighting, healthcare monitoring, smart locks and various sensors for such things as motion detection or carbon monoxide,” Gartner says. “Smart LED lighting will […]