I’ve started this web site in the belief that the Internet of Things will be big, very big and that there needs to be an independent, Australian, focal point for information and discussion on developments in IoT centred on the implications for Australia. My aim is that this site will fulfil that role. Right now […]
The Identity of Things for the Internet of Things
Gartner has published a report The Identity of Things for the Internet of Things ($US195) saying: “Existing ideas and approaches to identity management will not be entirely effective for the IoT. IAM and other security leaders must rethink and re-architect to be successful.” According to the report, “The growth of the IoT means the IAM […]
Gartner predicts big role for cars in IoT’s future
Gartner has issued a set of predictions for the IoT in 2015. The full 10 page report is available, price $US495, from the Gartner web site. Here are some highlights By 2020, there will be a quarter billion connected vehicles (one fifth of all vehicles on the road). “This will have implications across the major […]