IDC has just released its 2020 State of the CIO Research. Somewhat surprisingly, given the numerous recent bullish forecasts about the uptake and importance of IoT, it doesn’t make much of a showing in the responses of the 679 heads of IT IDC canvassed. IDC says the research “helps define the CIO agenda for the […]
IDC tips 25 percent more smart home devices in one year
IDC has issued its latest Worldwide Quarterly Smart Home Device Tracker, tipping a 23.5 increase in the number of smart home devices shipped in 2019, from 2018, and a five-year compound annual growth rate of 14.4 percent, which would take 2023 shipments to 1.4 million devices. IDC’s senior research analyst for consumer IoT, Adam Wright, […]
Meeting the challenge of life at the edge of IoT
Edge computing is very much flavour of the month, driven by the need to avoid pumping masses of data generated by IoT devices all the way to distant data centres, and by the need to make rapid decisions based on IoT data and then act on those decisions. IT vendors of all kinds are seeking […]
Managing the Explosion of IoT and IIoT
At its recent EMEA IT Spotlight event NetEvents held a debate entitled They’re Everywhere! Managing the Incredible Explosion of IoT and IIoT Devices. Lionel Snell, editor at NetEvents reports on the outcome. There has been, and there will continue to be, a whole lot of discussion in ITC circles about how to manage the explosion […]
IDC estimates IoT data at 80 zettabytes by 2025
IDC has issued a new forecast for IoT saying it estimates there will be 41.6b IoT devices connected to the Internet by 2025 generating 79.4 zettabytes (1021 bytes) of data — the bulk of it from video surveillance applications — representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28.7 percent from 2018. IDC says industrial […]
Ipswich scores IDC smart city gong
Ipswich in Queensland has become the only Australian city to score a gong in IDC Asia Pacific’s list of the 19 most outstanding smart city projects in Asia Pacific, excluding Japan. It was recognised in the administration category along with Wuhan East Late Free Trade Zone in China. Auckland Council’s Safeswim initiative scored a gong in […]
New Zealand tops IDC’s APAC smart city rankings
New Zealand smart city projects have won awards in four categories of IDC’s Asia/Pacific’s 2017 Smart City Asia Pacific Awards (SCAPA) 2017, beating Singapore which won in three categories. New Zealand projects took out the awards in the Public Works; Smart Grid; Connected Health; and Tourism, Arts, Libraries, Culture, Open Spaces categories. Australia scored two […]
IDC seeks Asia’s smartest city – with your help
IDC has set up a Smart City Evolution Index for Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) in what it says is “an effort to help establish the fundamental causes of the birth, evolution, and survival of key cities in the region.” The index will take into consideration inputs from IDC analysts across the region, public opinion through online […]
IoT set to drive data centre demand to new heights
IDC is forecasting that service provider data centre capacity consumed by IoT workloads will increase nearly 750 percent between 2014 and 2019. Also, IDC says, the growing importance of analytics in IoT services will mean that ‘hyper scale’ data centres capture most of this IoT driven workload. IDC also says that IoT will emerge as […]
IDC puts APeJ IoT market at $US583b by 2020
IDC is forecasting the number of things connected to the Internet in Asia Pacific excluding Japan will increase from 3.1 billion to 8.6 billion by 2020 and that the value of the market will increase from $US250 billion to $US583 billion. However it has not indicated exactly which components of this market of ‘things’ are […]