I’ve started this web site in the belief that the Internet of Things will be big, very big and that there needs to be an independent, Australian, focal point for information and discussion on developments in IoT centred on the implications for Australia. My aim is that this site will fulfil that role. Right now […]
Survey predicts IoT driven industrial revolution
A new survey report, The Third Industrial Revolution: Intelligent Devices, Software, and the Internet of Things, prepared jointly by Flexera Software and IDC, claims to “provide unique insights into how the third industrial revolution sweeping the global economy is being fueled by device manufacturers – transforming their products, business models and revenues streams with intelligent […]
IDC says IoT set for takeoff in Asia Pacific in 2015
IDC in its Government Insights report, Asia/Pacific Public Sector Predictions 2015: Innovation in Government predicts that Asia/Pacific city governments will kickstart pervasive adoption of IoT technologies in 15-20 percent of smart city initiatives. “Asia Pacific city governments are expected to bring about the first wave of IoT adoptions with initiatives aimed at improving city management […]
IDC Asia/Pacific 2015 Internet of Things Predictions On-demand Web Conference
Where: Here When: Anytime until 8 March 2015 What the organisers say: “IDC will reveal the solutions that will be driving the Internet of Things (IoT) market in 2015 – as well as those that need to go back to the drawing board. Over the past year, IDC has witnessed incredible advancements in IoT, including Industrial […]