Siemens and Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s networking subsidiary Aruba have formed a strategic partnership promising to bridge the worlds of operational technology and information technology – one of the biggest challenges facing industrial IoT and industry 4.0. The two companies says their complementary product portfolios will enable them to “support customers with highly reliable, secure and […]
Siemens to deploy MindSphere IoT OS at Swinburne University
Siemens has extended its partnership with Swinburne University of Technology, announcing that it will install its MindSphere industrial IoT operating system at the university’s Hawthorn campus. The initiative has also garnered support from Alliance Automation, Globetech, NZ Controls, Centric PA, Spectrum Automation, Nukon, Interlate and Mescada, all of which have signed up to a MindSphere […]
Manufacturing CRC forges ties with Germany to boost Industry 4.0 uptake
The Innovative Manufacturing CRC (IMCRC) has signed a MoU with Germany’s Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft that, it says, will significantly increase awareness and uptake of Industry 4.0 in Australian manufacturing industry. According to IMCRC, the agreement establishes a broad framework governing IMCRC and Fraunhofer projects for the exchange of knowledge and the proliferation of Industry 4.0 technologies and […]
Beware of Industry 5.0
I was asked recently if I would like to participate in a “discussion on innovation beyond Industry 4.0” in which I would be asked “to draw a picture of a next revolution such as industry 5.0.” I’d never heard of Industry 5.0. As far as I knew, the next revolution in industry was industry 4.0, […]
CSIRO maps out Australia’s advanced manufacturing future
The CSIRO has released a roadmap on advanced manufacturing, that sets out a vision to transform Australia’s manufacturing industry over the next 20 years into a “highly integrated, collaborative and export-focused ecosystem that provides high-value customised solutions within global value chains.” It says that, under this vision: Australian manufacturers will be more customer and export-focussed, […]
Australia’s Industrial Internet strategy to be revealed at Internet Summit?
Quest Events, with the support of the Federal Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, will hold an Industrial Internet Summit in Sydney on February 16 and 17 2017 at the SMC Conference and Function Centre, with the minister for industry, innovation and science, Greg Hunt, provisionally scheduled to deliver the keynote speech on the topic: […]
Industry giants GE & Bosh team for Industrial IoT/Industry 4.0
Two of the biggest players in Industrial IoT/Industry 4.0 — Bosch and GE – are to collaborate on open source IoT platform development and on common standards to help machines and devices understand each other. GE Digital and Bosch Software Innovations have signed a MoU to “further facilitate openness and growth of the Industrial Internet […]
IIC journal details disruptive power of industrial IoT
The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) — which, along with Industrie 4.0 is developing the framework for the Industrial Internet of Things — has published the second edition of its Journal of Innovation, a biannual publication written by IIC members, featuring articles about “Industrial Internet technologies and services that are disrupting the global economy.” The theme […]
Industry minister misses Industry 4.0
In one of his first speeches, Australia’s new industry minister has failed to acknowledge the importance of one of the biggest transformations to hit industry in decades: Industry 4.0 A few weeks ago I took issue with the Federal Government’s apparent inability to recognise the importance of the Internet of Things to agriculture. In Government […]
How the Government is making China an IoT leader
The GSMA has just issued a report detailing how the Government is making China an IoT leader and with GSMA CTO, Alex Sinclair saying: “It’s been the government’s focused strategy, emphasis on common specifications and cross-sector collaboration that has allowed the Internet of Things to scale, delivering positive benefits to businesses and consumer alike.” The […]