The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) has launched a voluntary cyber security labelling scheme for consumer smart devices to improve IoT security, raise overall cyber hygiene levels and better secure Singapore’s cyberspace. Under the scheme, the first of its kind in Asia-Pacific according to CSA, smart devices will be rated according to their level […]
Meeting the security challenges of industrial IoT
Ghian Oberholzer explains how artificial intelligence can help overcome the security challenges of industrial IoT IoT technology that enables the monitoring, control, and internet connection of physical devices of all kinds has had an enormous impact on the energy sector. High-profile examples of IoT applications include smart meters for electricity and water supplies that communicate […]
Industrial Internet Consortium updates IoT Security Maturity Model info
The IoT Security Maturity Model defines levels of security maturity for a company based on its security goals and objectives and on its appetite for risk. IIC says it enables decision makers to appropriately invest to meet their specific security requirements. The white paper is an introduction to the Security Maturity Model’s concepts and the […]
IoTSF launches vendor guides on consumer IoT security
The UK based IoT Security Foundation (IoTSF) has launched three guides on consumer IoT security designed to help industry comply with voluntary guidelines and legislation being developed by governments. The guides build upon the recently released ETSI EN 303 645 standard on consumer IoT cyber security published in July 2020. It is the first international […]
Forescout claims unique IoT security offering
US based IT security company Forescout Technologies has upgraded and renamed its SilentDefense security product to beef up protection for IoT. Forescout claims the new product, now named eyeInspect, “is the only solution that continuously identifies, segments, and enforces compliance of every connected thing.” Forescout says eyeInspect integrates with its eyeSegment product — a cloud-based […]
UNSW IoT security spinout scores $1.3m funding
CyAmast, an IoT security spinout company from UNSW, has scored $1.3m funding from IP Group. Dr Hassan Habibi and his research team from UNSW’s School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications founded CyAmast in May 2020 to commercialise software that is claimed to protect large networks of IoT devices from cyber-attacks in a scalable, cost-effective way. […]
UK to mandate consumer IoT security
The UK Government has published proposals for legislation that would mandate consumer IoT security features. Initially the government is proposing three mandatory requirements, but says the list could be expanded over time: Device passwords must be unique and not resettable to any universal factory setting; Manufacturers must provide a public point of contact so anyone […]
US call for distributors to enforce IoT security standards
The Atlantic Council of the US is calling for technology distributors to enforce IoT security standards for all products they source from overseas manufacturers. The proposal from the council — which bills itself as “a nonpartisan organisation that promotes constructive US leadership and engagement in international affairs” — is contained in a new report: The […]
IoTSF makes a case for mandatory IoT security for consumer devices
The IoT Security Foundation says vulnerability reporting is essential to keep consumer IoT products and services safe from intruders, and finds it to be woefully lacking. It has just released the results of a survey of vendors’ vulnerability reporting and disclosure practices saying: “An analysis of 330 consumer IoT device manufacturers has revealed five of […]
Singapore launches IoT security guide for enterprises and vendors
Singapore’s Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) has launched an IoT Cyber Security Guide to offer enterprise users and their vendors deploy secure IoT technology. It follows release of a draft guide and the initiation of consultion in January 2019 and the initiation of consultation with the UK Government on consumer IoT security in October 2019. […]