IoT might be at the peak of inflated expectations in the Gartner Hype Cycle, but it seems to have already gained wide acceptance as a new tool for marketing and customer relationships. A survey of 500 IT and marketing professionals in large and mid-size companies, designed to assess their use of big data and IoT […]
Adobe adds IoT support to Adobe Marketing Cloud
Adobe has made a number of enhancements to the Adobe Marketing Cloud that it says, will enable brands to bring highly personalised experiences to physical spaces like retail stores, hotel rooms, vending machines and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices. According to Adobe, a new IoT SDK lets brands measure and analyse consumer engagement across any of those […]
How brands can mine IoT
Research firm Altimeter has released a free 30 page report Customer Experience in the Internet of Things: Five Ways Brands Can Use Sensors to Build Better Customer Relationships to illustrate “how brands can use connected devices to enhance the customer experience and create a ‘win-win’ value exchange for all parties.” It claims to give brands […]