The ETSI SmartM2M technical committee has released three new specifications for: smart cities; industry and manufacturing; smart agriculture and food chain domains saying they will enable interoperability and therefore contribute to the development of the global digital market. They are the latest in a series of Smart Applications Reference ontology (SAREF) specifications and follow release […]
Global IoT standards body, OneM2M opens its doors to industry
OneM2M, a global standards initiative for M2M and IoT, held its inaugural industry day in Shenzhen on 8 June and announced plans for its second, to be held in Memphis on 12 July. OneM2M said the aim of the event was to further increasing industry collaboration on IoT and to highlight how a standards-based approach […]
oneM2M updates standards
The world of IoT is awash with standards-setting bodies. oneM2M, however claims to be THE global standards initiative for M2M and IoT. It has just released updated editions of its Release 1 global specifications, saying the move “promises to enable IoT interworking and create a foundation platform to interconnect IoT devices and applications.” oneM2M was […]
oneM2M releases first global standards
oneM2M, the global standards initiative for M2M and the IoT, has issued Release 1 of its global standards, saying: “The era of widespread deployment of M2M technology and the foundation for IoT [has] advanced significantly.” oneM2M’s Release 1 is a set of 10 specifications, all publicly available from oneM2M’s website (, covering requirements, architecture, API […]