Australia is lagging behind many nations in the application of IoT to both smart homes and smart cities, and leadership needs to come from the Government, says Frost & Sullivan. The research company is preparing to publish, later this year, separate reports on smart cities and smart homes and according to Audrey William, head of […]
Telstra chair says policy not fit for IoT era, but gets her facts wrong
Catherine Livingstone, chair of the Business Council of Australia, has joined the ranks of those heralding the Internet of Things as a bigger force for disruption than the Internet, in an address to the National Press Club, an edited version of which appeared in the Financial Review. (Livingstone is also chair of Telstra, but the […]
Navigating the Internet of Things – Canberra 26 March 2015
Each year, the AIIA hosts a Navigating Summit to explore the value that cutting edge technology can bring to Australia and Australian Government Policy and its operation. This year’s event will shine a spotlight on IoT under the overall theme of “the profound transformative impact of ubiquitous and intelligent ‘connectivity’ on the economy, society, business […]