I’m flattered. I have just been added to a Google Group Special Task Force for 6G Mobile Technology, by its founder, professor Willie Lu of Pebble Beach California. According to its web page, the group is “bringing together world-class experts and executives in redefining mobile communication technology for the next decade, in the era of […]
Huawei to fund NB-IoT research at James Cook University
Huawei has formed a partnership with James Cook University to develop technology based on the recently standardised Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT). Huawei says it has provided James Cook University with the latest IoT technology as well as direct funding for specialised research, which it will use to host a dedicated l NB-IoT lab to research and […]
CSIRO to research smart city technologies in Sydney Science Park
The CSIRO has opened its first operational Urban Living Lab at the Sydney Science Park in western Sydney in partnership with the park’s developer, Celestino, enabling research in smart city technologies to be undertaken in a real urban environment. CSIRO said it would be “a place where researchers, industry, government and communities can get together […]
US Gov’t told to act on IoT research – Australia take note
The US National Science Foundation (NSF) has called for “An urgent need for a targeted and coordinated government initiative similar to that which sparked the semiconductor revolution fifty years ago,” in order for the nation to realise the full benefits of the Internet of Things and big data and to build the foundation for future […]
From the Big Bang to big IoE
There may seem little connection between the Internet of Things/Everything and the search for answers on the origins of the Universe, so this begs the question: Why has Cisco chosen a team at Curtin University that is looking for such answers as one of its partner in the soon-to-established Cisco Internet of Everything innovation Centre? […]