If you want a classic example of what’s wrong with the approach to IoT security being taken by manufacturers of consumer devices, look no further than the Balboa hot tub. There’s no end of stories about consumer devices being produced with communications capabilities and little or no access protection. Many of these – such as […]
What’s on the IoT threat horizon in 2019?
‘Tis the season for predictions, and the IT security industry has been particularly prolific: a number of the major vendors have come out with their thoughts on what we can expect in cyber crime and cyber crime prevention in 2019. Not surprisingly, IoT loomed large in their forecasts. Not surprisingly the news was, mostly, not […]
IoT Security Foundation updates compliance framework
The IoT Security Foundation (IoTSF) has updated its IoT Security Compliance Framework following user feedback of the initial version, along with its IoT Security Best Practice Guidelines for the design of connected consumer products. IoTSF plenary chair Richard Marshall said a major improvement in the new release was the move to a risk based approach […]
The edge is back, but it will be hacked.
A resurgence of interest in edge computing will create new vulnerabilities and open up a new avenue for hackers, says Nick Savvides, Symantec’s chief technology officer for APJ. Setting out a series of predictions for cyber security developments in 2019, Savvides declared “The edge is back … And IoT is driving it.” According to Savvides, […]
CTIA creates certification regime for cellular IoT devices
US mobile communications industry body, the CTIA has created a cyber security certification program for cellular and Wi-Fi connected IoT devices. The program applies to any IoT device that “contains an IoT application layer that provides identity and authentication functionality and at least one communications module supporting either LTE or Wi-Fi.” CTIA Cybersecurity Certification has […]
Mobile operators commit to GSMA IoT security guidelines
The GSMA has released a list of mobile operators that have agree to implement its IoT Security Guidelines saying these guidelines “outline best practice and recommendations for IoT security for the entire IoT ecosystem and set out a comprehensive security assessment scheme to help ensure IoT services are protected against IoT security risks.” It has named […]
Annual IoT security spend to hit $US6b by 2023: Juniper Research
Juniper Research is tipping spending on cybersecurity solutions for IoT to exceed $NZ6b globally by 2023, a 300 percent increase from 2018 with industry and public services accounting for 77 percent of the total. In its report The Internet of Things for Security Providers: Opportunities, Strategies & Forecasts 2018-2023, Juniper claims there are major differences […]
KPMG launches IoT security suite for smart cities
KPMG Australia has launched two IoT initiatives: the first IoT LoRaWAN gateway for Melbourne’s Docklands, and a suite of cyber security IoT products to support the development of smart cities. They were launched at an event in Melbourne at which the IoT Alliance Australia and Communications Alliance launched their IoT Security Guideline. The LoRaWAN gateway […]
IoT Alliance Australia issues IoT security guideline
The IoT Alliance Australia and Communications Alliance have launched an IoT Security Guideline saying security and privacy need to be at the forefront of thinking and technological development to minimise the risks associated with the connected, big data use of IoT. Communications Alliance CEO, John Stanton, said a public consultation process would be set in […]
Bullguard: security check your smart home, or your smart self
Internet security vendor Bullguard has introduced the Bullguard IoT Scanner – a web-based application for consumers that reveals connected devices that could be vulnerable to hackers. According to Bulllguard, its IoT Scanner allows anyone to quickly scan to see if their smart devices or network are accessible to hackers. If a user’s smart device is flagged […]