The Telecommunications Association (TelSoc) has announced that Iñaki Berroeta, CEO of Vodafone Hutchison Australia (VHA) will give the Charles Todd Oration in Sydney on Wednesday 19th October 2016. Berroeta’s theme “On The Move: The Future of Mobile in Australia & Globally” will focus on the major changes that 5G and IoT will mean to mobile […]
IoT: Here or Hype, a talk on IoT at TelSoc
I’ll be giving a talk on IoT at TelSoc,the Telecommunications Association, in Sydney on 25 September. It’s designed for people not too familiar with IoT who see at as “the most over-hyped technology”. I’ll attempt to refute that, to present a guided tour to some of the key concepts and technologies of IoT, explain the distinction between […]