The Victorian Government has awarded NNNCo the contract to provide connectivity for its planned trials of IoT in agriculture. NNNCo will provide a LoRaWAN network connectivity for Victoria’s on-farm IoT trial for 600 farms over an area of 5,000 square kilometres in the regions surrounding Maffra, Tatura, Serpentine and Birchip. In July 2019 the Government […]
Victorian Government calls for on-farm IoT trialists
The Victorian Government has called for expressions of interest for its planned on-farm trials of IoT, part of its $45 million Connecting Victoria initiative to improve digital technology and infrastructure across regional Victoria. In the first round of the trials grants of up to $30,000 will be available to up to 600 eligible applicants in the […]
Vic Government calls RFP for $12m rural IoT trials
The Victorian Government has only now called for RFPs for agricultural IoT trials that it said would start on 1 July. The trials are being supported with $12m of funding announced in the 2016/17 budget. Subsequent to that announcement, in March 2018, the Government announced $15 million funding to enhance agricultural technology on farms. In […]
CropLogic crops up in Victoria
ASX-listed agricultural IoT company, CropLogic (ASX: CLI) has partnered with SproutX — a joint venture between financial advisory company Findex and the National Farmers’ Federation — Mildura Regional Development and the Victorian Government to deploy its technology as part of Mildura Regional Development’s Smart Farm project. CropLogic collects field sensor data, climate data and aerial […]